39 One or more of the player controls is set to the same key,\nfor best performance use unique keys for each control.
40 Clear High Scores?
41 Confirm
42 WAVEMIX.INF is missing - it must be in the pinball directory!
43 Warning:
44 Ship Re-Fueled
45 Gravity Well
46 Time Warp Forward
47 Time Warp Backward
48 Maelstrom!
49 Wormhole
50 Awaiting Deployment
51 Flags Upgraded
52 Bonus Hold
53 Level One Commendation
54 Level Two Commendation
55 Level Three Commendation
56 Field Multiplier 2x
57 Field Multiplier 3x
58 Field Multiplier 5x
59 Field Multiplier 10x
60 Target Practice
61 Launch Training
62 Re-Entry Training
63 Science
64 Stray Comet
65 Black Hole
66 Space Radiation
67 Bug Hunt
68 Alien Menace
69 Rescue
70 Satellite Retrieval
71 Recon
72 Doomsday Machine
73 Cosmic Plague
74 Secret
75 Time Warp
76 Maelstrom
77 Mission Accepted\n%ld
78 Mission Completed\n%ld
79 %s Mission Selected
80 Black Hole\n%ld
81 Gravity Normalized\n%ld
82 Gravity Well\n%ld
83 Promotion to %s
84 Cadet
85 Ensign
86 Lieutenant
87 Captain
88 Lt Commander
89 Commander
90 Commodore
91 Admiral
92 Fleet Admiral
93 Wormhole Opened
94 Crash Bonus\n%ld
95 Replay Ball
96 Re-Deploy
97 Player 1 Shoot Again
98 Player 2 Shoot Again
99 Player 3 Shoot Again
100 Player 4 Shoot Again
101 This 3D Pinball Table was created for Microsoft by Maxis.\nFor more information call (800)-336-2947\n(US and Canadian customers only).\nCopyright (c) 1995 Maxis.
102 3D Pinball Table created for Microsoft by Maxis. Copyright (c) 1995 Maxis.